Saturday, December 26, 2015

PCG Slurred Turkish Charity IHH as "Terrorists" (2010)

On May 31, 2010 a flotilla of ships supplied with humanitarian supplies was sailing to Gaza in a bid to break the State of Israel's blockade against the Gaza Strip that has been in force since 2006 and which continues to be maintained to this day. One of the main organizers of this humanitarian flotilla was IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation (İHH İnsani Yardım Vakfı).

In the night Israeli personnel boarded the ships. Nine Turkish men were killed on board the Mavi Marmara. One of them was a US citizen. A tenth man was beaten into a coma and died four years later never regaining consciousness.

PCG responded to this mass lose of life by condemning the organizers of this humanitarian convoy as "terrorists" who "got exactly what they were aiming for". It is asserted that the humanitarian convoy had "nothing that constituted real humanitarian aid." It is asserted that the charity organization that organized the convoy "had ties to terrorist networks" and "invited dozens of terrorists with ties to Iran, Hamas and al Qaeda to participate."
The terrorists who sponsored the Gaza-bound “humanitarian” mission in early June got exactly what they were aiming for: a lethal retaliation from Israel’s navy, followed by a tidal wave of international outrage against Israel. It doesn’t matter that 50 passengers on board the Mavi Marmara were linked to terror groups, or that the “peace activists” attacked Israeli commandos with metal rods, broken bottles, knives and stun grenades, or that three of the Turks killed by Israeli commandos actually wanted to die as martyrs, or that investigators discovered bulletproof vests, night vision goggles and gas masks on board the ship, while finding nothing that constituted real humanitarian aid. (Stephen Flurry, "Israel The Outcast," June 4, 2010.) 

The folks who organized it knew what they were doing. The Turkish group that staged the “humanitarian” mission to Gaza had ties to terrorist networks. It invited dozens of terrorists with ties to Iran, Hamas and al Qaeda to participate. It specifically sought to bust a naval blockade solely intended to limit Hamas’s ability to turn the Gaza Strip into a military bunker. It forced a confrontation, banking on the ability to turn it into a public relations disaster for the Jews. (Joel Hilliker, A Good Excuse to End a Bad Relationship, June 9, 2010.)
Are these severe accusations directed at IHH justified? Reading these words it is clear that these men had no idea about the nature of IHH from their perch in Edmond, Oklahoma.

This post is not about endorsing or condemning a charity organization. This is to correct misinformation. We do not deserve to be misinformed that so and sos are "terrorists" without good evidence. We do not deserve to be told that this charity organization had "nothing that constituted real humanitarian aid" on the Mavi Marmara when in fact it is a charity and has done many acts of charity all over the world. There have been controversies but in regards to the Mavi Marmara there is nothing to justify such vicious slurs that PCG directed at IHH.

Turns out IHH was founded in response to the horrors of the Bosnian War of 1992-5.

IHH has provided aid to Syrians suffering because of the cataclysmic war.

IHH has provided aid to Yemen, a country undergoing civil war at present.

IHH has built wells in Africa and Asia.

IHH has built homes in Darfur. Since 2003 Darfur has been the scene of intense violence as the Khartoum regime has sought to suppress a secessionist movement there. Some have described the depredations of pro-Khartoum militias as genocide.

IHH has provided aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

IHH sent aid to Pakistan after the earthquake there in October.

IHH has provided negotiation to release hostages.

And here is more of their charity work.

So it is clear that IHH is fully capable of providing aid as was their stated purpose in sending the Mavi Marmara to Gaza to try and break the Israeli blockade against Gaza.

How dare PCG's leaders slur this organization as "terrorists" when PCG's leaders clearly knew so little about it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Wave of Anti-Muslim Bigotry After ISIL's Paris Attacks

For those who think anti-Muslim bigotry (Islamophobia) is not a problem.

A Running List Of Shameful Islamophobic Acts Since The Paris Attacks.

Currently the list contains 52 incidents. Among them are incidents of vandalism, people ordered off of airplanes. Including one man saying, "Every Muslim is a terrorist." This is wrong and needs to stop.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Over 50 Palestinians Violently Died This Month

Here is a list of over fifty Palestinian persons who have violently died between October 1 and October 19. Sadly the death toll has gotten higher since then.

They weren't all lone wolves attackers as some within the COGs may imply. Some of them were demonstrators. Two were even killed by an Israeli air strike.

We need peace now.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Frightening Death of Fadi Allon in Jerusalem

+972 Magazine has an article discussing the disturbing details surrounding the recent fatal shooting of Fadi Allon, a Palestinian in Jerusalem.
The video shows that detaining Alloun was indeed possible. In fact, there is no other option but to determine that Israeli policemen shot and killed a man in cold blood, despite the fact that he did not pose a threat, and must be put on trial for doing so. Even a person who stabbed someone has the right not to be extrajudicially killed by the police, regardless of the pressure put on them by a racist mob. (New video shows accused stabber posed no threat when shot, October 10, 2015.)
Warning: the article links to videos contain graphic footage.