The brave protesters have convinced me. Mubarak must go.
Therefore as a pathetically small measure of support I wish to say with them
Mubarak must go
It is illegal in Iran to share Christianity with Muslims or preach the gospel in Farsi, the Persian language. It is also illegal for a Muslim to reject Islam (apostasy). Farsi-speaking Iranian Muslim converts to Christianity must worship therefore in illegal 'underground' fellowships. In September 2010 an appeals court upheld a death sentence against Pastor Youcef Nadrkhani, convicted of apostasy. The sentence is being delayed to give intelligence agents more time to try to coerce Pastor Nadrkhani to renounce Christ and return to Islam. His wife has been sentenced to life imprisonment. They have two small children. In a massive crack-down some 70 believers have been arrested by the authorities since Christmas Day. Most are young converts from Islam. They are being interrogated and coerced. Please pray.