Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another Shocking Expose of the TSA's Enhanced Pat Down Terror

Another shocking article exposing the viciousness of the TSA's wicked enhanced pat down terror regime. The TSA lied to "don't touch my junk" guy & you should understand your rights at airport security.

Noteworthy is his comments on how the TSA are deceptively hiding these new useless, vicious, cruel and disgusting rules and are not informing people of what they are now going to be exposed to under this tyrannical regime.
In all of the various experiences I've read about (and there are many), a common theme I have seen is that no one has reported seeing any signage at any airport about the new procedures one will be subjected to at that airport as a requirement of getting on the airplane. Not only are there no reports of such signage, there are many, MANY reports that specifically say they haven't seen any information at all at airports on the new scanner or patdown procedures.

There are signs about putting one's liquids in a ziploc baggie, hell I recall recently even still seeing signs about how you don't have to put unexposed camera film through the x-ray machines. I find this terribly amusing since I honestly can't remember the last time I used an actual "film" camera instead of a digital one.

But, there are no signs that outline what you are now subjecting yourself to in this new era of Scope-n-Grope, or what you rights are in regards to these procedures.
I agree with this opinion presented in thisABC News story:
"To the flying public, I would say they are trading away their privacy for the illusion of security,"
Look at this AP article:
At least one pilots union, the U.S. Airline Pilots Association, has issued new instructions to members to call in sick and not board flights if, after a pat-down, they are too upset to fly.
I repeat: This is INSANE!!!

Recently Keith Olbermann delivered this inspiring special comment quite relevant to this unbelievable invasion of people's liberty, Ted Koppel And The Real Death Of "Real News" explaining that the greatest and most highly renowned moments of journalism were not journalists "objectively" explaining every point of the situation but journalists making a stand and saying what they believed in. It is time for everyone, yes, everyone, to make their voices heard and call for the immediate end of this TSA Enhanced Pat Down Terror.

As far as I am concerned this must stop. Now. We must not wait.

We must not allow the TSA to imagine that this is normal.

We must not allow the TSA to image that they can get away with this.

The TSA are destroying and violating the liberty of their paymasters, the US taxpayers, you.

The long suffering American people do not deserve this.

Imagine if the British soldiers before 1776 were able to treat the American people like this. Do you think the Founders would have allowed this to happen to them? Why should we?

Israel does not do this. So why should the US?

They don't even have those full body scanners. See this: Full-body scanners are waste of money, Israeli expert says.

Because of this I will never go through a US airport because of the Enhanced Pat Down Terror.

At least when Al Qeada strikes we can trust that governmental authorities will do everything in their power to bring them to justice and to stop such things. But now it is the taxpayer funded TSA that are subjecting the long suffering American people to this tyranny of degradation. Will the state save us from this tyranny.

This TSA Enhanced Pat Down Terror is heart breaking.

This is the point where we are being robbed of liberty under the false guise of gaining security.

Your voice matters. Speak out! Stand up! Resist this pat down tyranny!

The pat down terror must end now!

Don't Opt Out!!!; Drudge on TSA's Pat Down Terror

Don't Opt Out 11/24!!!

Congratulations to the Drudge Report for bringing attention to these monstrous abuses of power that have been allowed to occur due to the TSA's vicious new policy of so called enhanced pat downs (even though one of the links goes to a conspiracy theorist website). Here are some of the stories being highlighted there about this violation against human dignity.

TSA Chief Defends New Patdown Procedure

Airport body scans, pat-downs draw more complaints

TSA pats down a screaming toddler

I would like to bring to your attention to this comment from the last story:

Our security theater gets yet more elaborate. This is not how Israel does it, and if anyone knows how to avoid a real terrorist attack, it is they.

Our TSA seems to be a full-employment program for the terminally incompetent rather than a strategic program to protect us from attack.

I'm sorry, John Pistole, head of the TSA, if even Israel doesn't think this is necessary, then it is not.

I will never go into a US airport while this TSA terror policy is in force.

These useless enhanced pat downs must stop immediately!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Down With The Useless "Enhanced Pat Downs"

Don't Opt Out 11/24!!!

(Important note: Because of these abominable enhanced pat downs I cannot and will not encourage people to "opt out" of full body scanning as has been encouraged by some protesters.)

I am sorry to say this, but I will never go through a US airport. I have decided I am not going to go through a US airport so long as these useless "enhanced pat downs" are enforced. Therefore I simply will not go.

I encourage any reader who is able to also not go through a US airport to avoid these abominable "enhanced pat downs".

I really hope this outrageous and useless intrusion into people's bodily privacy will be removed one day. I have no doubt that when this is removed we will look back on this as a dreadful mistake that unnecessarily hurt countless innocent passengers.

Some people such as WeWon' have spoken out against this outrage against the US public and against all the travelers who are compelled to undergo these outrages.
WARNING: Enhanced Pat Down

Be aware that the TSA is using what they call an “enhanced pat down” in many instances. These pat downs are much more rigorous and often include the TSA using their palms to touch your genitals in a manner that could feel like sexual assault. If you feel that you or your child were inappropriately touched during the enhanced pat down, call for a law enforcement officer.
This is a travesty.

I agree with how The Drudge Report declared this: The Terrorists have won.

The Enhanced Pat Downs need to be abolished immediately.

I encourage any reader to speak out, in their own way, against this travesty.

Here are some suggestions from WeWon'

  1. P
  2. Stop flying.
  3. O
  4. Educate yourself, your family, friends and neighbors.
  5. O
  6. Create a video saying why you won’t fly. And send us a link!
  7. Protest to the airlines.
  8. Make a fuss to the hotels.
  9. Complain to the government.
  10. Report your experience to EPIC.
  11. File a complaint with the ACLU.
  12. File a TSA Civil Rights complaint.
  13. File an online TSA complaint.
  14. Tell We Won’t Fly your TSA story.
  15. Tweet your feelings with hashtag #wontfly
  16. Like our Facebook page.
  17. Connect with us on Twitter.
  18. Post to Facebook.
  19. Blog or make a video about your feelings and experiences.
  20. Ask local media to cover this story.
  21. Got more ideas? Share them!

Please note
: because of the enhanced pat downs I cannot and will not encourage you to opt out of the full body scanners as this website encourages. My main priority is over the enhanced pat downs.

This has to stop.